🕒 24/7 Porn Addiction AI Coach.                     

🛡️Learn about porn addiction symptoms

Porn addiction signs and resource.      

Beat porn addiction in 90 days, discreetly.

Meet Coach Chad
Your telegram AI coach helping break fap cycles, boost confidence and improve relationships.

90 day Protocol. 24/7 Coach. Break the fap cycle.

1.Coach Onboarding

Share your goals, frustrations, impact of porn addiction on your life with our sharing framework. All through your telegram messenger.


Your coach will take you through our unique commitment framework helping you maintain integrity and restore power in your life.


Experience a new you in 90 days. Filled with expression of love, confidence and greater purpose.

Built confidence through breaking porn addiction.

Invest in yourself, gain confidence.

Porn and masturbation addiction can lead to a state of deep guilt and shame, leaving you feeling powerless, uninspired, and disconnected from yourself and others. Over time, these harmful habits can erode your self-esteem, affecting your relationships and overall well-being. Crave Coach helps you reestablish control quickly, regain control. Restore confidence and create an inspiring future for yourself now!

rebuild love in your relationship by breaking porn addiction

Porn creates a false state of reality in sexual expectation, often setting unrealistic standards that can lead to disappointment in intimate relationships. Combined with lying and hiding behaviors, these inaccurate portrayals may breed feelings of inadequacy and contribute to a lack of communication between partners. Crave Coach helps you restore integrity and create an authentic self for full self-expression of love.

Restore your relationships, feel love again

impact of porn on brain

Watching porn impacts your brain but can be reversed.

Studies show a gray matter change in the reward system of compulsive porn viewers. In just 21 days, your brain begins to rewire itself, paving the way for significant health improvements. Our AI coaching program is designed to support this neurological transformation, promoting a healthier, addiction-free lifestyle.

“I underestimated the power of a telegram based AI coach. Crave Coach helped me immensely”

—Nicholas F.

90 Days Fap Free. Restore power. Feel Confident. Express Love.

90 Days Fap Free. Restore power. Feel Confident. Express Love.

🧠Personalized Trigger Analysis Understand and manage your triggers with the help of an AI coach. Set up an environment that supports your recovery journey and minimizes relapse risks.

Practical Trigger Management Checklist Access an easy-to-follow checklist with practical steps to prevent and manage triggers, helping you maintain focus on recovery.

🤗 Empathetic Relapse Support In moments of regression, your AI coach is here to listen and guide you back on track, providing compassionate support and actionable advice.

🌟 Daily Motivational and Impact Reminders Stay inspired with daily reminders that reinforce your commitment to recovery and remind you of the new future you’re creating for yourself.

📈 Progress Streak Tracker Visualize your progress with an intuitive streak tracker that celebrates your successes and encourages continuous improvement.

One time fee of


24/7 access to Coach Chad for 90 Days

Structured support process to help you go FapFree

Frameworks to help you regain confidence and power

Via Telegram for privacy and cross platform access

Tailored to your pace and needs

For the first 100 sign ups (10 more slots left!)

  • We want Fapping to be a phase in your life. If Coach Chad is successful, there should be no need for coach chad in your life anymore. The goal is for you to commit to a fixed duration to change your way of being.

  • You can start talking to coach chad without paying for anything. However, just like any coach, the interaction would be limited, for you to determine whether you would like to proceed. Coach chad would send you a payment link if you would like to proceed.

  • At the end of 90 days, if you feel like coach chad needs to be there to act as the listening ear incase you have thoughts of refapping, then you can sign up for a monthly $9 all access plan with Coach Chad. We sincerely hope you don’t need this!

  • Of course! Coach chad does not replace anyone. He plays in his own space. No therapist can be available 24/7 to listen and help you. But Coach Chad can!

